Monday, April 26, 2010

Australian's (or others) what is your opinion on harm minimization vs zero tolerance?

Harm minimization has been Australia's policey towards drugs since 1984 and as far as I know it has had a positive effect. I think the zero tolerance to drugs is ridiculous it will hurt the drug users and the community around them.

It is pretty dodgy that an addict can get clean needles for free but a diabetic person still has to pay for them but I am glad that they have the opportunity to do that otherwise god knows where the needles will end up and if I will pay for it and get stabbed by a dirty needle.

Zero tolerance in theory is brilliant but it just not feasible.

Australian's (or others) what is your opinion on harm minimization vs zero tolerance?
Whichever the Australian government choose they will not support their policies with money and resources. The drug problem (Ice in Western Australia) is a problem regardless of the way it is addressed (minimization or zero tol) and needs constant specialist support in the community. Support that Howard is not willing to give.

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