Tuesday, April 13, 2010

What is yuor opinion on the legalization of marijuana?

As far as me, I do not agree with it at all... ever since moving to this country.. I could not find one soul in school that did not do drugs. period. and now legalizing it? possibility for just taxes and paying deficit... i hope?! fof something ATLEAST instead of "medical purposes" I seen more sick people eating at McDonalds or Wendys when the finger was in the chili

What is yuor opinion on the legalization of marijuana?
legalization of marijuana is necessary in this society. it wouldn't be for only the taxes but it would be also to relieve the burden of enforcing laws that simply aren't doing anything to help the situation. imagine the millions spent on raiding peaceful homes, pulling up millions of plants, and at the end of the day not even puttin so much as a dent in the prices of marijuana. keep in mind the black market that is developed in prohibition by criminals who don't have a problem selling marijuana to children.

by legalizing marijuana, you take this substance out of the hands of real criminals.. those people who do use guns and will kill you. think back to the prohibition of alcohol and all of the crime surrounding it. all of those dead people on both sides of the law including innocent people. would these bootleggers run around with tommy guns if alcohol were legal.. wait a min.. alcohol is NOW legal and that answer is outright apparent.. NO! you create jobs as dealers become salesmen and retailers. growers become farmers. legitimate businesses can be set up. regulation will help keep marijuana out of the hands of children as cigarettes and alcohol is kept out of the hands of children (as best we can). and most importantly, police officers can actually get back to the job of actual police work as many of them make careers out of simple marijuana arrests as if they're doing something for society.

i understand that people feel marijuana shouldn't be legal because of its effects. but a lot of those people also smoke tobacco and drink liquor. the effects of those legal drugs are far more harmful than marijuana. no one's died from marijuana use yet! however, we can attribute thousands of deaths yearly to cancer causing tobacco and alcohol poisoning. on top of that, most people don't even know what these effects truly are opting to believe DEA lies over doctors and scientists.

keep in mind, the DEA's job is to enforce anti-drug laws. if the laws change and become more sensible, the DEA IS OUT OF A JOB. so it's in their best interest to constantly lie to you about marijuana and furthermore use fear to control your general feelings of it OVER the intelligent and sensible KNOWLEDGE of reseached medical science and FACT. another funny fact, even the judge used by the DEA claims that marijuana is NOT harmful. the DEA has completely disregarded their own judge on this matter.

and that finger in the chili was a scam by the person who "found" it. it had nothing to do with marijuana whatsoever. if i remember correctly, it was a woman who had done things like this before to make money. she just got caught that time.
Reply:yes i am a stoner and i'm also knowledgeable, educated, and experienced. so much for the concept of a lazy, out of it stoner who can't focus. Report Abuse

Reply:Yes, it should be legalized. But the first step is decriminalizing it. I would even be happy if the government would at least recognize the states laws on medicinal marijuana.

Marijuana has a large amount of medicinal uses, whether you or anyone else wants to admit it. There are a lot of people out there suffering and the one drug that helps them the most is illegal and they are viewed as criminals for no reason.

Marijuana is the number one cash crop in the US right now. Valued over $36 billion a year. More than corn and wheat combined! You want to stimulate the economy? Legalize marijuana. Legalizing will help to kill off the underground market for weed and lessen drug trafficking and the crimes related to it.

Lazy people will be lazy with or without marijuana. Stereotyping gets you nowhere.
Reply:We should legalize! Marijuana is not as harmful as you think. It originally became illegal as a way to control immigration of the Mexicans in the early 1900's. The government has definitely demonized marijuana when the truth is it's less harmful than tobacco and alcohol. People do drugs regardless of whether pot is legal or not and blaming it as a gateway drug is ridiculous. You could easily say that hard drug users started out with drinking alcohol as well (which in most cases is true). Is it alcohol's fault that the person started using hard drugs? That is a clear case of people not taking responsibility for their own actions. Marijuana is not addictive, not harmful, and has many medicinal purposes. The law against marijuana causes more harm than the herb itself. I think you need to do some research of your own

Reply:I'm all for it. There are ways that it can be used responsibly, just like alcohol and ciggarettes or McDonald's and Wendy's can.

That being said, I do believe other, harder drugs should remain illegal, such as heroin and crystal meth. They are much more addictive and can have a more serious impact on the body, and can not really be used responsibly.

And of course, it should most definitely be used for medicinal purposes. If it can help relieve people of their pain temporarily, then why not? It's helping more than it is harming.
Reply:Legalize it. Criminalizing it only creates criminals and once an otherwise law abiding person gets a misdemeanor or felony on their record- their life is pretty much over- well at the very least minimized in terms of your potential.

There are worse "legal" drugs out there such as - nicotine, alcohol, fast food...

Prohibition didn't work. The war on drugs doesn't work. Oh yeah, it does...for politicians seeking "pork"
Reply:if marajuana was available in normal stores just like cigarretes or wine, there would probably be much less drug traffic and a lot less dealers. what is actually the problem for the government about illegal drugs is drug traffic, not people using drugs. not like that is ever going to happen.
Reply:What real reason is there for banning it? Prohibition only fattens the mafia. Nobody is going to force you to use it.

In my view everybody who supports criminalizing it is working into the hands of the drug barons.
Reply:I see no problem with it, it's a drug like many others including alcohol, in the end of the day it all depends on the people weather that be a cancer patient seeking relief from the pain or some 13 year old under peer pressure.
Reply:It is a illegal substance for a reason.Let me ask your question for a reason, opium and herion was outlawed for the reason.
Reply:legalize it. i don't smoke it, but if ciggarettes are legal (and we all know why) I don't understand why pot isn't. at least then it can be made safely then and people don't have to worry about whats in it.
Reply:I never use drugs myself but - naw, we don't need to legalize marijuana but we should lessen the criminality of it.
Reply:We have enough lazy people in the world without something like this that has the potential to create even more of them.
Reply:no, that bad. Its a bad drug.
Reply:uhhhh Far Out Man.........Tommy Chong

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