Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Why do the members of congress ignore public opinion?

What factors allow congress to ignore what their constituents want? Why aren't they paying attention to the people who vote for them? It seems to me like they have their own hidden agendas.

Why do the members of congress ignore public opinion?
Because the special interests can afford lobbyists, who see to it their clients get what they want, and the people get to pay for it.
Reply:I second patriot's answer.....in reality they don't work for the people....they work for their and your party and the corporations are YOUR...parent company
Reply:Because they can get away with it as we the people do nothing about it.
Reply:Hmm, maybe because they understand that they:

1) cannot give everyone what they want

2) that many citizens do not understand how their own government works

3) that many citizens are to shortsighted to understand the lang term effects of their desires

Pick any or all.
Reply:Party first, corporations second and people last.
Reply:Constituents can't compete with lobbyist's deep pockets.

Corporations run the world.
Reply:They simply don't care about people!
Reply:Did you just now figure this out?
Reply:Agree...Put them all on commission!

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