Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Do you think global warming is a concern of yours and what in your opinion causes it?

Oil consumption is one: outdated diesel trains, high octane burning jetliners, large personal vehicles, heavy land development equipment, energy plants, refineries, and cargo transportation.

Others are: large methane producing beef farms/dairies that do not harvest and prevent enough of the gasses from leaving the farm. Only a few farms deploy this type of containment, are we willing to pay more for dairy and beef to protect our environment so they can invest in such containment systems? I think so.

Did you know the populations of bark beetles have increased from 1.1 million in 2005 to almost 5 million in 2006 in Colorado!? (http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20061208/sc_... ) I hate seeing Big Bear, in my area, suffer because it is not getting cold enough to kill them. Trees are dying; oxygen producing forests are becoming extinct, why? In my opinion it's Global Warming. It's affecting everything and I believe it is all of our concern.

What’s your opinion?

Do you think global warming is a concern of yours and what in your opinion causes it?
Global warming caused solely by man is a myth.

What is happening is a constant shifting of climate and weather around the world.

Greenland once supported crops 1000 years ago, but now even grass can't grow there. That's global cooling.

Even barely perceivable changes in the Sun's energy output will have far more impact than all of mankind.

So we will see warmer periods and cooler periods regardless of what we do "to save the planet".

What we need to do is stop worrying about how to "stop global warming", and concentrate on predicting how the continued climate change will affect various regions - both areas that warm up and cool down.
Reply:My name is Rafael Lomena. I write from Alicante (Spain). I am independent investigator on the Accelerated Global Heating and want to share with all something that can turn out from interest to fight this phenomenon.

I believe that the main cause of the Accelerated Global Heating is in the great and increasing forest fires that are whipping to the planet in the last years.

My complete report is in: http://inicia.es/de/rlv/clim.htm

If they do not understand the Spanish they can use the automatic translator that will find in the main page of site:


Thanks to all.

(* This message has been translated with a translation software)
Reply:I think people should first plan to have a small family. Because population growth is responsible for the destruction of forests that is one of the reason for global warming. Improving medical research for elders should not be encouraged. Because it is increasing man's life span from 70-90years and it is one of the reason for the global warming. People may not be productive after their 70s and when we are disposing and dumping all the useless stuff why should we try to live for so long when we grew old and sick and consume and waste so much of resources on this valuable earth.. These facts may sound hard and bitter to digest. But, realities in fact are like that.
Reply:It's 77 degrees in the middle of December.

Rock on. I hate cold weather.
Reply:You mentioned many things, but all that was not enough to bring us out of the ice age. We are just in an evolutionary developement. I lived in Northern Minnesota, it stayed at 30 below zero for a month at a time. Anymore it is just a day or so when weather conditions are right that we have that cold of temperature. What is happening is just another step in the evolution of the earth.
Reply:U sound like u know what u are talking about . All that huge amount of fuel has increased the CO2 how much. None when they tied global warming to CO2 I knew they were stupid. Mother nature has recycled our air for millions of years with plants which take in CO2 and give us back oxygen . The plants need the CO2 just as much as we need oxygen ,what u think u are doing. Your methane is just as stupid and all I will say is go measure it.
Reply:What is the greatest contributor to global warming?

something most Americans do on a daily basis: solo driving.
Reply:Huge concern--we need a President WHO is smart enough to appoint a top level cabinet member to lead an extensive study quickly to assess the situation and implement a world wide plan to deal with it.

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