Friday, November 20, 2009

What does a Paid Law Guardian Ad Litem do in a Custody Battle?

Custody Battle ..... in a Temp Order both parties agreed to the appointing of a Guardian Ad Litem for our infant son.

What is the role of a Private Party hired Guardian Ad Litem in the State of Georgia?

Will said Guardian Ad Litem be giving an opinion as to who they believe would be best suited for Full Custody or if one party is not suited for Joint Custody,etc?

What does a Paid Law Guardian Ad Litem do in a Custody Battle?
They observe the parents behavior and attitudes toward their child. They usually try to get the child to open up to them and tell them of past experiences or about their parents whether the comments be good or bad. This usually is used in medical emancipation and custody rights. They are more or less there, to make the child aware of their rights and choices.
Reply:A "Guardian ad litem' is a lawyer who represents the child. This person is concerned with the legal rights of the child, not with who gets custody. In a custpdy battle, each side has a lawyer representing them. Children need someone tpo guarantee their rights as well.
Reply:They work for the child, they will talk to both mother and father ( or whoever the 2 parties are) and the child, look at the situation and decides what is best for the child. The judge usually takes this attorney's recomendation over anyone elses
Reply:They Ad Litem attorney looks out for the interests of the child.

Both adults have an attorney. Now the child has one too. This attorney does not help to decide who wins the custody battle. Just makes sure that the child's rights are being represented.
Reply:They advocate strictly for the rights and benefit of the child. They act as the child's representative and will make a recommendation to the court as to custody arrangements.
Reply:The job of a GAL is always for the Best Interests Of The Child.

pulling teeth

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