Monday, November 16, 2009

Why Expenses Paid for government jobs anymore?

With the Higher wages being paid to our govenmnet Workers, and the Trips aLodging and Some Money for food paid for, no wounder our country is going broke during this hard time.

Its time for the Government Workers to pay at least 1/2 their own expenses if not all. Flying to and from Government should pay, but the rest Compromise for our broke Country, WHat doe Avergae American Jobs get? nothing.

Time for everyone to get on same page and help our government and Economy in my opinion. How about yours?

Why Expenses Paid for government jobs anymore?
One way or another, that money's still going to be spent - if you require a government employee (or a private employee) to pay for any of their travel expenses associated with the job, that person can turn around and deduct those expenses from their year-end tax return and increase any refund they were getting.
Reply:I don't know anything about that all I know is I wish I could find a job cause my husband won't look for one.

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