Friday, November 20, 2009

What's your opinion on paying $3 or more for a magazine to read the articles & it's full of advertising?

Shouldn't the advertising reduce the cost of the magazine or are you buying the advertising and getting the measly few articles for free.

What's your opinion on paying $3 or more for a magazine to read the articles %26amp; it's full of advertising?
I know what ya mean. It's ridiculous, ain't it? The more ads there are, the more you'll pay for the magazine.
Reply:I refuse to buy magazines for that reason
Reply:yeah it sucks i hate that soo bad. like the whole thing is ads. i love mags. but not ads. J-14, M, have like 2 ads front and back. good mags.
Reply:yes...i agree ..they should sell in less...already they make money by putting lots of ads...

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